Regenerative Medicine – Integrative Sleep Specialist

Helping You Get The Sleep You Deserve

What is Integrative Sleep?

Integrative Sleep Therapy provides well coordinated care by bringing conventional and complimentary approaches together to care for the complex issues that surround sleep. The human body has the natural ability to heal itself in many ways. In many cases, symptoms can be managed without medications or without aid of medical devices. Dr. Steven Todd, DMD, MaS Regenerative Medicine is one of the foremost authorities on treating snoring and sleep apnea (OSA). Dr. Todd is an Integrative Sleep Specialist and international speaker. Dr. Todd has provided personal, relaxed, high-quality care for 35 years and continues to offer his patients the most innovative treatments and long-lasting results possible. Your health and well being is our top priority at Gulf Coast Sleep Specialist. If you or someone else is experiencing sleep problems, breathing problems or migraine pain issues


Dr. Steven E. Todd DMD, MaS, is a Board Certified Oral Implantologist and Dental Anesthesiologist. He has a Masters Degree in Regenerative Medicine and now specializes in Integrative Sleep Medicine. He has practiced dentistry for over 35 years. Dr. Todd has a broad educational background and is an international speaker and author of the Hemp Healthcare Initiative. He is a US Army veteran and served as the Field Dental Surgeon for the 3rd Infantry Division (Marne division) 3rd Medical Batallion.

Dr. Todd is a Clinical Cannabinologist and has extensive knowledge on hemp and non-hemp nutraceutical health and wellness. He applies this knowledge to help and provide customized personal and specialized care for his patients.

Dr. Todd and his wife, Jenny, have been married 45 years. They have four children and eleven grandchildren. Dr. Todd resides with Jenny in Perdido Key, Florida. Dr. Todd enjoys the beach, growing wildflowers and volunteering with the Blue Angels Flight Line at Pensacola NAS.

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Dr. Steven E. Todd DMD

MaS Regenerative Medicine, Integrative Sleep Specialist

Dr. Steven Todd is a Zyppah-certified and ResMed-certified dentist who specializes in providing the latest advances in Dental Sleep Medicine.  Dr. Steven E. Todd is a member of the Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine.

Steven Todd DMD is one of the foremost authorities on treating snoring and sleep apnea (OSA) in the Florida/Alabama Gulf Coast area.

Dr Todd also provides Advisory Consulting Services for product development and implementation to the market place for Zilis.

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Gulf Coast Sleep Specialist provides caring, professional Sleep Apnea Therapy, CPAP and Alternative Treatments, Migraine Therapy, Snoring Treatments, Buteyko Method Breathing,  and Sleep-Weight Management to our patients in the Foley, Alabama, Eastern Shores and surrounding Gulf Coast areas including Pensacola, Florida.



Dr. Todd saved my marriage

I can’t believe all the time I have missed not sleeping. Dr. Todd saved my life and possibly my marriage. After my free consultation, my wife and I knew we had to make the investment. We had everything to gain, and nothing to loose. Well it worked for me. I sleep through the night and have so much energy I feel 20 years younger, not to mention, my wife is ecstatic too.

Jim & Mary Thomas Thank you Dr. Todd.

You know the saying that we wait until it’s too late. My wife and I were referred to Dr. Todd and were glad we were. The strategy and continued adjustments helped me get a full nights sleep. My life has changed in so many ways. All for the good of course. Thanks Doc. I will tell all of my friends.

Gil & Karen Braun Thank you Dr. Todd.
Gulf Coast Sleep Specialist truly cares cares about you well being! Fill out the form below and we’ll contact you shortly.